1. Sunshine Rodgers 2. Kelsey Dodd 3. Travis Rodgers
81 Real - Life People as Book Characters Include:
1. Travis Rodgers 2. Tommie Swisher 3. Ruth Ann Webb 4. Jim Webb 5. Marcia Baker
6. Abi Baker 7. Chuck Lester 8. Laurie Lester 9. Ileana Reyes 10. Jessica Rivas
1. Travis Rodgers 2. Mike LaFlamme
1.Travis Rodgers 2. Ileana Reyes 3. Tim Stromer 4. Steven Stein
5. Ashalee Bingham 6. Marcia Baker 7. Jeff Hosfeld
After You: A Demon is Always Lurking Nearby
1. Travis Rodgers 2. Rafa Hallaq
1. Travis Rodgers 2. Gabe Pugh 3. Andrew Masterson 4. Mike LaFlamme
5. Samantha King 6. Martin Masson 7. Emily Trotter 8. Quinn Rhyne
9. Skylar Webb 10. Angelique Tanner 11. Kathleen Dart 12. Brett Angwin
13. Josh Brown 14. Sierra Mackenzie 15. Lymari Rodriguez 16. Mikey Freeborn
17. Lisa Newmaster 18. Elana Vindigni 19. Angelina Sanchez
20. Brittany Restrepo 21. Maddie Stiles 22. Tammy Lara 23. Christa Lambert
24. Pierre Cartagena 25. Nathan Nitczynski 26. Carlee Sims 27. Alyssabelle Ross 28. Christopher Bungert 29. Miranda Norton 30. Roberto Diaz
31. Katharine Twisdale 32. Paulomi Dholakia 33. Gemaliz Porrata
34. Roxanne Boivin 35. Crystal Lola
1. Travis Rodgers 2. Dennis McCreary 3. Audra Downs 4. Janelle Coleman 5. Jacki Drane
The Characters Within
I want to thank The Deep Dive Podcast for discussing and reviewing my Romance Novel, "Once Upon a Time... In a Dental Office." View the entire 13-minute podcast under the Media Exposure tab!
God the Father, Jesus the Big Brother, Holy Spirit the Best Friend
Andrew's First Act
1. Travis Rodgers 2.Doug Harley 3. Crisbenia Pimentel 4. Michael Simmons
Just Brooke
The Roland Sisters and the Spirit Program
1. Travis Rodgers 2. Andrew Masterson 3. Reebok Brown 4. Bill Kincaid
Be the Sunshine
1. Travis Rodgers 2. Giovanni Gonzales 3. Martin Masson 4. Mike LaFlamme
My (Spiritual) Mom
Once Upon a Time...In a Dental Office
Helpers: A Rescue Mission
Back to Start
Fun Fact: Sunshine has used 81 of her friends as real-life Characters in her stories! Her husband, Travis, is a character in nearly all of her books. Scroll down to reveal all the names!
1. Travis Rodgers 2. Tommie Swisher 3. Beth Hall 4. Kristi Horak 5. Mike Noel
Sunshine Rodgers © 2024 | All Rights Reserved