Before I start my shift working for Billy Graham Ministries…. praying for people and speaking hope and love into strangers' lives… I ask the Lord for help and guidance and wisdom. I ask that He will bless my workday. I place anointing oil on my forehead, a symbolic act, knowing that I am anointed for the task at hand and that God will be with me.

After I clock out, my routine is to go for a run outside. I put my hair up, change into my workout clothes and place sunscreen all over my face. Even though the sunscreen is now covering up the oil, I am still anointed. I am highly favored, blessed and protected no matter where I go or what I do.

I want to encourage you that God sees you. He is with you. He has anointed you. And He is helping you. Whether you are like me and taking the afternoon working out or teaching a class or babysitting little ones or studying for that big test, God is surrounding you with his undeniable presence and anointing you for the task at hand.

If you need prayer for anything, let me know. I would love to pray for you!

14. I overheard someone talk negatively about his spouse. This man shared with the group the everyday frustrations and the little annoyances concerning his wife.    

 I thought to myself… this man needs to appreciate the Masterpiece.

 What do I mean by that?

 If you are critical of the brush strokes, you may be too close to the canvas.

 Step back. Look at the bigger picture. I am sure that overall, the marriage is beautiful with minor flaws.

Taking it a step further...overall, the workplace is fun with little complaints. Overall, the money is great with just a few issues. Overall, it's a wonderful day outside with a little overcast clouds.

Do not make the little concerns to be the main focus. Appreciate the overall beauty of what's in front of you!

 And never take anything or anyone for granted!  

 If you need prayer for anything, let me know. I would love to pray for you! 

#1. I am celebrating! I lost nine pounds! For years, I have kept a strict diet and exercise regime. Each week...

I run for an hour and a half.
I walk for about six miles.
I jump on the trampoline for an hour.

AND I maintain a proper diet. 
I drink water only (if I need a substitute for water… than sweet tea with
artificial sugar)
No snacking between meals.
Counting calories, paying attention to the serving size.

But guess what I did? On a random Thursday night, for no occasion at all, I ate a Big Mac. No, I did not punish myself.  No, I did not think about how this meal would affect the number of calories I ate for the day. I just enjoyed my favorite meal at McDonald's. 

My message to you? Yes, stay disciplined.  Being disciplined gives you the desired results.

But... every now and again break the rules and treat yourself. Don't be so stuck to a regime that you can't enjoy life. You deserve a reward today!

If you need prayer for anything, let me know. I would love to pray for you.

#7. I could tell a difference right away!

It was the burned version of the song. It was the same song as the original, but twisted in its sound and manipulated to appear like the real thing. The real original song is crisp and perfect - the vocals can be heard audibly - the melody is not messed with - and each instrumental piece is flawless.

I was listening to something that was a little off

I feel that way about the world's values. If we are looking for the Original handbook of God's plan, we must go back to the source. The Bible is the true and living Word. Do not seek guidance from the imitators of the Gospel; you will only find a false version. Go and enjoy the Original text - the right and perfect truth - and allow the Lord to calm your fears and rejoice over you with a joyful song. 

"For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” - Zephaniah 3:17

If you need prayer for anything, let me know. I would love to pray for you!

#6.  I cannot believe I took the wrong exit!

The GPS didn't update in time, so I took a left on the interstate instead of staying right. And it elongated the very long trip by 40 minutes! We were driving completely off course, desperate for a chance to turn around. I was frustrated! I could have given up, decided right then and there that the trip was not worth it and gone home.

A costly mistake left me feeling defeated.

There is more to this story. I drove the 40 more minutes and eventually reached my destination. My husband and I had a fun day in Ocoee and made great memories together.

Don't think that this one mistake is the end of your story. Don't give up no matter how badly you want to. Don't allow this detour to prevent you from experiencing God's good plan for your life. Just keep focused on the end result. Your resilience and persistence will work in your favor as you enjoy the final destination - the place of abundance and blessings. 

If you need prayer for anything, let me know. I would love to pray for you!

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My numbers came in. I work the Billy Graham Prayer Line and I prayed for close to 160 callers in the month of October.

That's speaking to 40 people a week.

That's ministering to roughly 8 people a day.

In his book, "Can you Stand to be Blessed?" T.D. Jakes talks about the
Grace to do something. "Problems are not really problems to a person
who has the grace to serve in a particular area." When I tell people
that I work as a Prayer Line Associate, the first reaction is, "How do you handle all the negativity and burdens from other people?" And I have to conclude that God gives me the special grace and strength to handle it.

If you told me I had to pray for 160 strangers, that number would be too intimidating. I don't know if I would sign up to do that! But I can certainly take one caller, one prayer and one conversation at a time... allowing God's strength to give me the ability to minister Truth and love to those who need it... one day at a time.  

If you need prayer for anything, please let me know. I would love to
pray for you!

22. It was late. It was dark and I was walking through the neighborhood by

I do this regularly, so I normally don't fret about it. With my headphones on and the feel-good music blaring through my ears, I don't ever worry about anything… unless there is weirdness. And there was. Up ahead.

A car was parked facing me with his lights on. It seemed more dramatic of an anxiety had it not been so late, and I was the only one outside. This car was up ahead, almost blocking my path.

As I contemplated my options… should I move across the street? Should
I speed walk past it? Should I turn in the other direction?… the car turned off
its lights, the driver left the once moving vehicle and I was able to
just continue my walk in peace.

I want to encourage you to keep walking. That mountain will suddenly
turn into a molehill. What you are anxious about will no longer be an issue. That stress will evaporate, leaving no cause for concern. That problem will reach a solution. All will be well in your soul and in your life.

If you need prayer for anything, let me know. I would love to pray for you!

Have you ever been scared of something in the dark? That stick looks like a
snake. A flying thing at night may be a bat. You hear noise in the bushes, and you think the worst. Our mind wanders. We feel anxious. It's scary not knowing. You can't see it and so you feel unprepared to handle it.

But in the light, it's not as scary, right? It's a tree branch and not a snake. A songbird and not a bat. A bunny appearing from the bushes.

I want to shed some light in our dark places.

Dark place: I am alone.

The Light of God: Psalm 145:18 : The Lord is near to all who call on Him.

Dark place: I have no help.

The Light of God: Psalm 46:1 : God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

Dark place: No one loves me.

The Light of God: Psalms 36:77 : How priceless is your unfailing love, O God!

Shine some light on the dark places in your soul, in your mind, in your world and see how quickly the Truth is revealed. Let's stand on what we know is right versus what we imagine to be wrong.

If you need prayer for anything, let me know. I would love to pray for you!

16.  "The trick is to not overreact."

I said that recently to my husband who wasn't feeling well and
immediately his thoughts turned to: "Is this Covid?" "Are these symptoms lasting?" "Is there something even more wrong with me?"

"The trick is to not overreact."

That piece of advice was also told to me when I was let go from my place of employment. "Will I be okay financially?"  "Is this going to affect other areas of my life?" "How do I pick the pieces and move on from here?" 

IF the what ifs come to the surface... you do not have to "go there." Don't listen to those negative thoughts. Just let this storm pass. Seasons come and seasons go. And before you know it, you feel healthier and stronger. Or like me, you are in a better spot than you were before.

I make it a habit to say, "Thank you, Lord" even when I don't know what is happening around me, knowing that God is going to work this out somehow, someway.

I just can't overreact; I need to have complete trust in my Savior. 

If you need prayer for anything, let me know. I would love to pray for you!

15.  I was outside jogging around my neighborhood and it was incredibly hot outside. My thirty-minute run was becoming nearly unbearable in the Florida heat. Usually, this exercise is about a four lap circle and that day, by the last lap… I couldn't make it. The finish line looked too far.

 So, instead of seeing how far left I had to go, I mentally divided my run into small, more doable milestones. I looked down at my feet, taking it one step at a time. I told myself, "Just make it to that lamppost" and then after that "just run to that tree," breaking up the long trip into easily doable steps so that I could complete my workout.

 That day, out of breath and out of energy, I needed that change of perspective. I needed to break my goal  into smaller pieces. And that's what eventually got me to the finish line. And I know that you will also experience personal victory in your own life. Just pace yourself and try not to conquer everything all at once... just do the next right thing, take the next step forward to reach that next milestone up ahead.

 If you need prayer for anything, let me know. I would love to pray for you. 

#11. I was at Planet Smoothie ordering my usual: A Mountain Man Crunch with extra granola bits. As I was placing my order, the worker kept repeating the phrase, "I got you!"

I'm paying with my debit card. "I got you!"
I brought my Planet Smoothie reusable mug which qualifies me for a discount. "I got you!"
I would like to add to my order. "I got you!"

I know that our Heavenly Father also loves using that phrase! 

God's got you in His loving embrace, never letting go.

Trust in God's plan, for He's got you covered every step of the way.

In the midst of uncertainty, find peace knowing that God's got you in His hands.

Don't give up, for God's got you with endless possibilities and opportunities.

Find peace in God's promises, for He's got you blessed beyond what you can imagine.

When you're weary, find rest in the knowledge that God's got you refreshed and renewed.

I am thankful to have a God who's got my back, who fights my battles and is there for me when I need Him!

If you need prayer for anything, let me know. I would love to pray for you!

I saw this Biblical Principle play out firsthand.

It was October 31st and my bowl of candy was filled to the brim as I
awaited excited little kids to come knocking at the house dressed in the latest Princess or Ninja costumes. I always view this day and this opportunity as a way to pass out free treats to children. But I also wanted some chocolate candy for myself. So, in a bowl filled with 50 pieces, I grabbed 5 snickers.

Ten percent is what I took.

And I looked over at the rest and said to myself, "there is plenty of leftover candy for the children!"

I wonder if God views our tithe and offerings this way. I wonder if He
is able to look down at all of the blessings and divine favor and goodness in our lives. He is just asking for 5 pieces of candy... and we can enjoy the rest! I can almost hear God saying now, "there are plenty of Heaven's treats leftover!" after I give my tithe to the Kingdom.

I don't ever have to doubt God's Promises. I know the Principle of Giving
and Receiving - of Sowing and Reaping - will work in my favor. I just need to obey His Commands and trust in the Lord!

If you need prayer for anything, let me know. I would love to pray for you!


#8. I was watching America's Next Top Model, one of my personal TV obsessions.

In this particular Cycle, one specific model was acting like a diva. She was demanding her own way, not getting along with the other girls, acting like she was most  important,  taking this opportunity for granted, thinking that she was the star of the show! 

I watched this episode and immediately repented of my own selfish attitude.

I became humbled in that moment. I went on my knees. How many times do I insist on attention? How many times do I crave the spotlight? How many times do I think, "It's all about me!" 

God, I pray that I will maintain a humble attitude. I don't want to take you and your blessings for granted. I am appreciative and grateful. I want to be someone who has a spirit of generosity. Thank you, God, for your help. I want to share the spotlight - I do not keep it for myself. I share my faith and my relationship with Christ - I do not keep it for myself. I do not demand my own way - but rather, share love with others.

If you need prayer for anything, let me know. I would love to pray for you!

Days of Rain. May 1

It's Florida weather, and by that I mean (as the locals know) … rain, rain and more rain. It's the wet days, the dark clouds, the flooded roads, the various umbrellas and the dreary nights.

But it does stop! The rain does eventually stop!

Let us remember that there will be an end to this personal crisis! I praise you, God, for a resolution. Though the storm in my life is continuing, I can trust that there will be a happy ending at the end of this story. Thank you, God, for bringing light in my darkness. Thank you, God, for reminding me - for promising me - beauty for ashes - unexplainable peace and joy in the morning.

"Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes in the morning."  
- Psalm 30:5

If you need prayer for anything, let me know. I would love to pray for you.

#10. We have these solar powered and motion sensor owl statues outside. One of the owls started flashing his eyes at me, lights clicking on and off at a rapid speed.

I joked to the owl, "I see you. And apparently you see me, too."

And immediately what caught in my spirit was… God sees me.

Job 28:24 : For He looks to the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens.

Proverbs 5:21 : For a man's ways are before the eyes of the Lord, and he ponders all his paths.

Job 34:21 : For his eyes are on the ways of a man, and he sees all his steps.

Psalm 33:13 : The Lord looks down from heaven; he sees all the children of man.

Psalm 33:18 : Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his steadfast love.

It is a beautiful truth to know that God sees me and knows exactly where I am! 

If you need prayer for anything, let me know. I would love to pray for you.

17. I want to tell you a secret.  I follow myself on Amazon. 

Why do I do this?

I need to be a fan of my work before anyone else can. My books
represent me and I stand behind each and every one of them. I wouldn't
put my name on just anything. The story has to remain positive. The
message has to be uplifting. The ending has to be happy and upbeat.

I need to believe in myself. There are critics. There are negative
reviewers. There are naysayers. But if I stand tall and believe that
what I do makes a difference and that inspiring stories can change lives… then I remain a fan of what I do.

I would remind you today... to be a fan of yourself. You are doing very well!
You have come a long way, and you need to applaud the steps of progress that have led you to this exact spot.

And we are both expecting such good things ahead!!

If you need prayer for anything, let me know. I would love to pray for you!

#4. Every six months or so, I soak all of my expensive rings, i.e. my engagement ring and my wedding ring and other such valuable jewelry and wash them thoroughly with a cleaner and scrub brush.

My engagement ring was so shiny in the store twelve years ago. It was flickering, brand new on the display. And I need to clean it now for that diamond to
maintain that level of shine and to ensure that diamond stays as new-ish looking as

Maintain your level of success. Put in the work. Don't give up on the
precious commodities at your fingertips. Do everything you can to take care of what is in your grasp. 

Don't envy others for what they have.  The grass is not greener on the other side of the fence. Water the grass on your side!

Because when you do, your life will sparkle like a freshly cleaned diamond ring!

If you need prayer for anything, let me know. I would love to pray for you!

21. As part of my exercise regime, I go out in my lanai to lift weights and jump rope.

I count to 50 when I jump rope.


Urg! The sirens and honking cars I hear from the road mess me up.

I start again. 10…12…13.

The birds and noises in the nearby woods cause me to miss my jump and I have to stop.

As frustrated as I am from the outside annoyances, I am the one to
blame. I am the one who is allowing the interruptions to ruin my flow.
I have to remain focused on my task.


 My dreams depend on my ability to continue even against any shortcomings or personal hiccups. I must breathe, look, step and jump as I progress in my personal and daily goals. I cannot blame anyone but me for not reaching my highest potential.

If you need prayer for anything, let me know. I would love to pray for you!


20. Travis and I are "back" from our 21-day hiatus from the Lord and it
was truly a wonderful time of interceding for others while seeking the
will of God for our lives. We had so many personal miracles and blessings take place during that time!

But I want this week's blog post to talk about what I experienced literally just
a few days ago.

It was sudden. And unexpected. I walk outside of my house and there is new greenery planted in the front yard. The beautiful yellows and purples
wave at me as we meet for the first time.

The landlord told the gardener to plant these… but to me, it was a
new beauty I now get to enjoy... without me even lifting a finger.

I immediately thought of Deuteronomy 6:11: The houses will be richly stocked with goods you did not produce. You will draw water from cisterns you did not dig, and you will eat from vineyards and olive trees you did not plant. 

I am praying that God will provide an unexpected Harvest in your life.
That you will wake up one day and be hit with a good surprise from
Heaven! I pray that God's Promises will manifest. And may
we praise the Lord for bringing love and support and such beauty into our lives. We receive and enjoy the Abundant Life sprouting up all around us!

If you need prayer for anything, let me know. I would love to pray for you! 

#13. I have a big dinner on Wednesday, so I rummage through my closet for something nice to wear. But in the searching - my mind wanders - as if often does. I am thinking about this weekend. I am thinking about stuff on my to-do list. I am thinking about …. wait? Why am I in my closet again?

My mind is so active, and I am such a multi-tasker…and that's not always a good thing. I constantly have to remind myself to be present. To stay focused. And to tackle the task at hand. I don't want to be juggling so much that I don't enjoy life. I don't want to be so distracted that I miss the often-overlooked miracles around me. I don't want to be so set in my schedule that I cannot have fun and be spontaneous.

God, help me to live each moment gracious, present and fully engaged. I don't want to miss a single second of your wonders! I don't want to allow worry or stress, or anxiety take over. I want to embrace each blessing - grateful for each moment...  I want to fully experience God's beauty! 

If you need prayer for anything, let me know. I would love to pray for you!

23. For those who feel busy and stressed and overwhelmed, I just wanted to
share a few verses on peace that will hopefully help you to relax and
slow down and breathe easy:

2 Thessalonians 3:16 : Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.

John 14:27 : Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as
the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled,
neither let them be afraid.

Philippians 4:6-7: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Psalms 4:8: In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety.

Psalms 29:11: The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.

I pray that you will feel at peace right now. I pray for a good night's sleep with sweet dreams. I pray that God will cover you with his goodness and love. May you feel content and happy and stable in all of your ways. Let's embrace the peace and beauty of the Lord today!

If you need prayer for anything, let me know. I would love to pray for you!

#2. I found it similar. At least a part of it, anyway.

John 5:1-18 reads the story of: Jesus Heals the Man at the Pool of Bethesda

"Jesus went up to Jerusalem.  In Jerusalem there is a pool with five porches called Bethesda.  Inside these porches lay many sick people. An angel of the Lord came at certain times and made the water move. All of them were waiting for it to move. Whoever got in the water first after it was moving was healed of whatever sickness he had."

I was thinking about that story one particular Friday. I had cleared my schedule  to spend time at the community pool. On a weekday afternoon, I have the place to myself. Though I didn't see any angels  - not to say they weren't there - I still felt emotionally healed going into that water. That visit to the pool was  refreshing and life-affirming.

I embrace all those moments that God uses to bring me "back to life." I
cling to hope again, I dive into His goodness, I cherish the gifts from
heaven and I soak in the rays of His joy. We have an opportunity to
stay immersed in the love of God. Let us be refreshed not just by the
pool, but by the ultimate Living water, Jesus Christ himself!

This will be my last weekly blog post for a while. My husband and I are taking a 21-day hiatus with the Lord. During that time, we will intercede for people and seek His will for our lives.

If you need prayer for anything, let me know. I would love to pray for you!

#3. Travis and I are "back" from our 21-day hiatus with the Lord. We had the privilege of praying for the needs of God's people from all over, requests coming in from the United States and Africa. It was truly a blessed time! 

Philippians 4:8 says to "Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise."

There is so much negativity. I regret turning on the local news. For my job in Ministry, I daily counsel those with emotional and financial and physical problems and I can feel deflated and defeated. I put myself in a bad mood in mere seconds just thinking about all the bad stuff. 

But God wants us to set our eyes - our thoughts - to somewhere higher, 
away from the stress of this world. Let's think on things that are lovely and worthy. There is so much good, isn't there? I am healthy. I am strong. I am loved. I have faith in a God....who is so faithful, who isn't going anywhere. The Almighty is never leaving my side and is holding my hand even now. 

Let's not point at all the negatives, but instead... celebrate His goodness. We give our praise to God for an overabundance of blessings because we set our sights on the eternal. 

If you need prayer for anything, let me know. I would love to pray for you!

#12. In the community of gym members, the phrase that is repeated often is: "Keep Going! One more pushup. One more pull up. One more mile. One more weight added. Keep going!"

In the community of writers, the phrase that is repeated often is: "Keep writing! One more page. One more book. One more sale. One more review. Keep writing!"

In the community of Believers, the phrase that is repeated often is: "Keep praying. One more ounce of faith. One more Promise to stand on. One more intentional act of kindness. One more affirmative word. Keep praying... and keep believing!"

Hebrews 12:1-3 in The Message describes the Discipline in a Long-Distance Race:

"Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get on with it. Start running—and never quit! Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now he’s there, in the place of honor, right alongside God. When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility he plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls!"

If you need prayer for anything, let me know. I would love to pray for you!

#5. Let's meditate on the following Scriptures and be refreshed in our minds and revived in our spirits!

"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13 

"...the joy of the Lord is your strength.” - Nehemiah 8:10

"Casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you." - 1 Peter 5:7 

"They who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." - Isaiah 40:31 

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."- Romans 12:12  

If you need prayer for anything, let me know. I would love to pray for you!

19. Let me just say this… I am so happy I did NOT get what I asked God for!

Travis and I wanted to buy this "perfect" house and the deal fell
through and we were stressed and devastated. We had prayed and fasted to God for this house without realizing this literal shut door was working in our favor! 

We didn't know it then but the house we ended up with is so much better! 

Another example I can use. This year alone, Travis and I experienced major
transitions in our jobs. For me personally, I wanted to keep the television job I had. Though I prayed (so hard!) and fasted to keep this media job, I didn't realize the closed door was working in my favor!

I am now enjoying a work-from-home opportunity that allows me to see Travis more and allows me to save money, to relax and sleep in, which is a perk!

Thank you, God that no matter how much we beg and shout and yell and
cry… you still are such a good God and you know what is best for us!
You don't listen to our temper-tantrums… but instead you keep us in
your good and perfect will! I am so grateful for closed doors, and I am so grateful for you!

​** This will be my last weekly blog post for a while. My husband and I are taking a 21-day hiatus with the Lord. During that time, we will intercede for people and seek His will for our lives.

​If you need prayer for anything, let me know. I would love to pray for you!

18. It was a rough time in my life. 

New information kept coming in. It was hard to make plans. In fact, I
stopped making plans altogether. I knew things were changing daily. Sometimes, hourly.  I didn't quite know what was going to happen.  The future remained uncertain. I was remaining flexible with each new day, and I had to be aware of God's leading.

When you are facing a difficult time, when you are surrounded in a fog,
unsure of your next steps… I pray that we will know and trust that God
will clarify which path we are to take. I pray that we will reach out and depend on God's strength while leaning on his Word. 

Know that God has you, that he is walking with you (even when it's
hard to see him) and he's leading you (even when it's hard to hear from him).

Thank you, God that you are with us in the storms of our lives. We
trust you for the safety and deliverance of this turmoil. And we
praise you for manifesting your divine Promises  in our lives right now.

If you need prayer for anything, let me know. I would love to pray for you!

#9. For Christmas last year, my husband and I took several weeks off - a nice vacation to end the year.  I enjoyed becoming Vacation Sunshine, a version of me who was much calmer and more relaxed about life.

Starting the new year, and thus starting back to real life, I wanted to keep on this Vacation Sunshine mode. I would ask myself... "What would Vacation Sunshine do?" My answer?

She would shrug it off. She would laugh it off. She would not make things into a big deal. She would not worry. She is not easily upset. She would not feel so rushed. She takes her time.

I want to stay in the stress-free zone. Sure, life is hard. But I need to breathe and relax through the midst of it. Sure, I have work to do. But I need to also have fun and maintain a work-life balance. Sure, my calendar is full. But I need to enjoy where I am on the way to where I am going.

If you need prayer for anything, let me know. I would love to pray for you!